中世纪西欧商业复兴产生的社会基础在于庄园的内部发展和变动。庄园缓慢的进步导致了人口的增长 ,人口增长的压力造成了庄园内部的变动。开拓荒地和新庄园的建立 ,增加了西欧的产品数量 ,同时也造成了人口的流动 ,使得原来封闭的庄园出现了松动 ,为商业复兴提供了物质和人力基础 ;商人阶层的出现并不是突兀的 ,也不是从一开始就作为庄园的对立面出现的。他们继承了早期商业交往的形式 ,商品交往仍然以补充庄园之不足为目的 ,而且他们在社会中没有地位 ,但是他们确确实实成了一个新的阶层 ,并成为职业性商人 ,为成熟的城市商人的出现蓄积了基础。
In Medieval Western Europe the trade revival was based on the development and changes of manors.The slow progress of manors led to the growth of population,and the pressure of the increasing population promoted the changes of manors.The development of wastelands and the foundation of new type manors either increased the volume of products or promoted the mobilization of population.Which loosen the structure of manors and thereby provided the foundation for the trade revival from both materials and the labor forces.The emergence of the merchant class is not abrupt and it didn't emerge as opposed to the manors,it was still as one part of the supplement of the manorial economy.Although merchants had no position in law,they had surely become professional merchants and organized into a new class,which formed the foundation of the formation of the city merchants.
Journal of Historical Science
教育部 2 0 0 1年度全国优秀青年教师资助计划项目"资助。