从概念、特征以及同一般防卫权的区别入手 ,对刑法第 2 0条第 3款规定的特别防卫权进行了论述 ,同时也对法律规定的具体内容逐一做了分析。指出特别防卫权是法律赋予防卫人在特殊情况下可以进行特别防卫的一种权利。
In the light of section 3, article 20of the Criminal Law of PRC, the definition, the characteristics and the differences of special justifiable defense with the general are expounded as the beginning, the legal specific contents of which are analyzed section by section. A Suggestion is put forward that the special justifiable defense right refer to a right, legally, used as a special justifiable defense by the self-defender in an emergency.
Hebei Law Science