This article demonstraees that: (1) medical service market is anobjective reality, (2) regulation through the market plays a promi-nent role in expansion of recompenses, (3) the masses′growing de-mand for medical services necessitates the introduction of marketmechanism, and (4) competition mechanism efficiently improves thequality of service and optimize the utilization of resources. There-fore, it is concluded that the development of medical market is an in-exorable trend under the cond tions of market economy. For devel-oping the socialist market of medical services, the principal measuresinclude: to reform the hospital managerial system; increase efficien-cy through improved management and seek developmant through re-liance on scientific and technological advances; restructure the healthservice system so as to promote both cooperation and competition be-tween hospitals; remould the price system of medical services; andstrengthen overall regulation and control.
Chinese Hospital Management