提出了一种预测计算凸极式同步发电机空载电压波形的方法 ,据此可以在电机设计阶段 ,根据电机转子磁极形状尺寸及定子绕组结构 ,预测计算电压谐波幅值和波形正弦性畸变率 ,从而优化电机结构设计 ,抑制电压谐波 ,改善电机的电磁兼容性能 .
A method for predicting and calculating the harmonics of no load voltage of salient rotor synchronous generator is derived in this paper. According this method, the amplitude of harmonics and voltage harmonic distortion can be calculated by the shape and size of field pole and the construction of the stator winding in the design stage. Thus, the design of the machine construction can be optimized to suppress the voltage harmonics and to improve the EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) of the machines.
Journal of Naval University of Engineering