This paper has proposed a model based on neural networks for classifying or recognizing scripts (such as handwritten characters, numerals, Chinese characters),statcd its preprocessing techniques, neural network architecture, working algorithm, learning algorithm, and experiment results for the handwritten numeral Recognition and the handwritten Chinese character classification.The architecture of the neural network in our model is a three layer feedforward network, which is clear and contains a fewer connections than the usual feedforward networks so that it can reach a higher speed for computing and learning. The working and learning algorithm's are derived from the basic error backpropagation algorithm for our special network architecture. We has also designed a preprocessor which makes the neural network be of adaptability to script quality. This model has been programming in C language on a microcomputer. The program includes some optional parameters so that the various size of neural networks can been built for different objects.The experiments on the handwritten numeral recognition and the handwritten Chinese character classification has been done to test our model. The satisfactory results have been obtained, and shown that the ways proposed by us are efficient.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing