

The Technique Analysis and Development Tendency of Reclaimable Resource in China
摘要 再生资源回收利用的种类与数量的多少、回收率的高低,科学技术是决定因素之一。我国虽然从50年代初期就开始了有计划、全面系统的回收利用再生资源,对经济和衽会的发展起到了一定的促进作用。但是,同工业发达国家相比,回收的数量和利用水平还有很大差距。其关键就是我们的科学技术水平较低。因此,作者认为,要提高我国再生资源的利用水平,首先要重视这个行业的技术改造和科学研究。 Scientific technology is the main factor in deciding the kinds,amounts and high or low rate of recovery. Although the resource has been systemly reclaimble and recycling since the beginning of the 1950's in China,it has made some progress in the ecomoic and scocial development.Com- pared with the developed country,there is still a long way to go in the amounts and recycled lev- el.The crux of the matter is that the scientific technology level is lower than that of the devel- oped country.Here by the authors consider that as long as we improve our recycling,we should pay great attention to the technique improvement and scieentific research in the reclaimable in- dustry.
出处 《资源开发与保护》 1993年第2期93-97,共5页
关键词 再生 资源 中国 reclaimable resource technology development
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