本文对1986年1月—1992年12月期间的太阳软 x 射线(1-8A)的背景辐射与对应的微波辐射的强度之间进行了相关分析。同时对这六年中产生的 x 级以上的软 x-射线耀斑的背景辐射强度进行丁统计.发现太阳软 x 射线背景辐射强度与微波辐射流量之间存在着紧密的相关;而 x 级以上的软 x 射线耀斑基本上出现在软 x-射线背景辐射强度≥C 级的水平上.
In this paper,the correlation between solar soft x-ray back-ground radiation at 1-8A and microwave emission is analysed during the January 1986-December 1991.We analyse statistically the back-ground radiation of x class x-ray events.The statistical re- suits indicates that there is a close correlation between solar soft x-ray back-ground radia- tion and microwave emission,the x class x-ray events basically occured at x-ray back-ground emission level(?)C.