To perform a meaningful comparative study concerning the concepts of space and time in the traditional Chinese thought with those of modern science, it is convenient to introduce certain new notions, namely, the 'blankness' and 'loadedness' of the concept. The traditional Chinese concepts are identified to be 'loaded', in comparison with the modern concepts which are generally 'blank'. A general trend in the evolution of the space and time concepts is a process of 'abstraction'. This process is not, however, identified with a movement from 'loadedness' toward 'blankness'. In certain period of Chinese history, the reverse movement, namely that from 'blankness' toward 'loadeness', seems to appear. We see this trend during conceptal change from Mo Zi and Huainan Zi to the Neo-Confucianists, namely, Shao Yong, Zhang Zai, Zhou Dunyi and Zhu Xi. The characteristics of 'loadedness' is closely related with the other characteristics of traditional Chinese thought.
Studies in The History of Natural Sciences