对65岁以上急性心肌梗塞(AMI)110例患者进行临床分析。认为除常见诱因外感染引起老年人AMI 是值得临床重视的。住院期间病死率明显高于65岁以下者(P<0.006),死因主要为心功能不全及心源性休克。从28个临床因素中经多元回归分析筛选出14个临床因素与预后密切相关。对死亡的诊断符合率为82.76%,对生存的诊断符合率为93.83%。认为多因素回归分析方法对估价老年人AMI 的预后有一定的价值。
Ths clinical data of 250 cases with AMI are discussed.They wereadmitted to our hospital duriug 1984-1985 aud followed-up for more thanfour years.Among them 110 casesaged over 65 are compared with 140cases aged blow 65.Infectiou cancause AMI in elderly,it is veryimportant,because it often was om-ited.Age,heart failure,shork,at-rial and ventricular arrhythmia oc-curing during acute phase of myocar-dial infarction are closely correlat-ed with the prognosis of patientsboth in hospital and discharging fr-om hospital.Among 28 related clinieal,targetawe found that 14 it ems in aged over 65and 16 in aged below 65 may be ch-osen as the prognostic index by us-ing multifactor regression meth-od.By intraclass test the concidencerate with prospective assessment ofdeath and survival in elerdly are82.76% and 93.83% respectively.