本文报导216例各类型小儿癫痫,经临床与脑电图检查确诊的脑扫描结果异常142例,异常发现率65.7%。其中强直一阵挛性发作60例,异常发现率56.7%,婴儿痉挛症46例,异常发现率95.7%;限局性运动性发作84例,异常发现率71.4%;失神小发作14例,异常发现率28.6%;限局性植物神经性发作12例,未发现异常。CT 扫描显示各类型癫痫的脑形态结构的改变为癫痫病因诊断,治疗和预后提供了依据。
This paper deals wih after 216 cases of epilepse in children were examined The result of CT scanning clinical analysls and EEG Among them 142(65.7%)and these were 60(56.7%)of tonic-clonic seizure(46 of intanfile spasm(95.7%)84(71.4%)of faeal motor seizure 14(28.6%)of absent minded Light seizure 12 of autononic seizune was not prored to be abnormal The CT scanming has showed the cerebral structure in varioug epilepse and has Laid the found- ation diagnosis treatmant and prognosis of epilepse
Journal of Jinzhou Medical College