
建设“长治”工程 振兴陇南经济

Constructing Harnessment Works to Rejuvenate the Economy of South Gansu
摘要 陇南地区水土流失面积1.675万km^2,占土地总面积的60%。1989年区内武都、宕昌、文县、康县、西和、礼县、成县被列入长江上游水土保持重点防治区后,全区发扬领导苦抓、部门苦帮、群众苦干的“三苦”精神,到1992年底已完成水土保持综合治理措施面积3252.46km^2,占治理任务的94.9%。开展重点防治以来,全区林木覆盖率提高了4%,每年减少土壤流失7098万m^3,自然灾害明显减少,农业总产值每年以4.2%的速度递增,农村人均纯收入由305元增加到383元。在重点防治中,采取大造舆论启动、落实政策调动、培养典型带动、“三苦”精神推动,坚持科学规划、规模治理、综合治理、严格检查验收,使全区水保工作出现了新的局面。 The area of soil loss in south Gansu amounts to 16750 km2 which constitutes 60% of the total land area of 27900km2. In 1989, Wudu, Dangchang, Wenxian. Kangxian, Xihe, Lixian and Chengxi-an counties were listed as the key harnessment areas in the upper Yangtze River. Leaders and the masses as well as various departments make arduous efforts in the harnessment of soil erosion. To the end of 1992, comprehensive measures of soil conservation had beed taken in an accumulated area of 3252.46km2 which comprises 94. 9% of the total harnessment task. Since the start of key harnessment, degree of plant cover in south Gansu has been increased by 4%, annual amount of soil loss is decreased by 70. 98 million m3, and natural disasters are obviously reduced. Total annual agricultural output increases at a rate of 4. 2%, net income of people in rural area increases from 305 yuan to 383 yuan. In the process of key harnessment, various measures have been taken, such as preparing public opinion, implementing government policies, establishing models, scientific planning, scale harnessment, comprehensive harnessment, strict check and acceptance procedure, a new situation of soil conservation has taken shape in south Gansu.
出处 《中国水土保持》 北大核心 1993年第12期9-11,共3页 Soil and Water Conservation in China
关键词 水土保持 长江上游 重点防治 治理成效 陇南地区 soil conservation in the upper Yangtze River key harnessment benefits of harnessment Longnan Prefecture
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