Cross experiment between leping and the foregn lean meat pigs was made, including 3 two - way cross combinations and 6 three -way cross combinations ,and 5 parents (as controls). 1993 heads, pigs came from 206 litters, among which 189 heads were slaughtered for getting expermental data, with 1. 9-2. 8Mca/kg of D. E and 11%-14% of C. P for the sow, 2. 8-3. 1Mca/kg of D. E and 15%-16% of C. P for fattening pigs and 3. 0 Mca/kg of D. E and 18% of C. P for the piglets. After 6 years studies, 3 better combinations have been selected, including: large Yorkshire X leping, a two-way cross combination which has the average farrow for 11. 08 heads,
8. 85 heads nursed, 563. 9g daily gain, the requirement of Mixed feed of 3. 35kg for per kg gain in wt, the lean meat rate of 50. 68%, and the cp of muscle of 19. 04% ;Landrace X large Yorkshire X leping, a three-way cross combination 12. 61l heads, 9. 72 heads, 548. 2g, 3. 39kg, 56. 18% and 19. 84% respectively; Duroc X landrace x leping, a three-way cross combination, 12. 73 heads
9. 85 heads, 570kg, 3. 41kg, 61. 05% and 19. 94% respectively. The three combinations have been popularly used in Northeastern Jiangxi and gained deal of economic
Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi