在InP H^+轰击工艺研究基础上,开发出一种对中等轰击能量(E≤250keV)的H^+具有满意掩蔽能力的掩膜──Au/Zn/Au/AZ 1350J复合膜,并首次解决了条宽窄至5μm的Au/Zn/Au/AZ 135J断条状掩膜的制备技术,在InGaAsP/InP PBH双区共腔双稳激光器的制备中获得了成功应用。
A new kind of screen material for proton bombandment, Au/Zn/Au/AZ1350J compoundmask which behaves good screen property when the bombarding energy is not larger than250keV, has been developed based on the study of Ir P proton bombardment. The technologyof making compound mask for stripe wide of 5μm has been resolved for the first time, and hassuccessfully fabricated the InGaAsP/InP PBH Common-cavity Two-section (CCTS) bistablelasers.