
宫颈恶性腺瘤组织学和组织化学研究 被引量:6

Histological and Histochemical Observation of Cervical Malignant Adenomas
摘要 报道9例子宫颈恶性腺瘤。血性和水样粘液性白带增多是最常见的临床症状。临床检查发现宫颈肥大和糜烂,4例可见宫颈息肉样或瘤样结节。镜下见宫颈腺体自鳞状—柱状上皮交界处以上一侧增生,数量增多,并沿水平方向扩展至子宫腔,同时浸润宫颈深层间质和子宫肌层。腺瘤上皮细胞呈单层排列,类似于正常宫颈管腺体,但可见部分形状不规则的胞核和大小不一的腺体,仔细观察将可见到核分裂象。患者预后和肿瘤临床分期密切相关。粘液组织化学和CEA免疫组织化学染色有助于鉴别诊断。 Nine cases of malignant adenomaof cervix were histologically and histochemicallystudied Clinical examination showed cervical hy-pertrophy and erosion,4 cases present cervicalpolyps or neoplastic nodules.Microscopic exami-nation showed that the glands above the squamo-columnar junction were markedly increased andextended horizontally to the uterinic cavity,theglands invaded deeper cervical stroma and infil-trated the uterine musculature.The epithelialcells of the glands were lined by a single layersimilar to normal endocervival glands.But someglands were irregular and the nuclei were deeplystained and large,mitotic figures could befound.Prognosis of the disease was relatedclosely to its clinical stage.Mucine histochemicalstain and CEA immunohistochemical stain arehelpful in the differential diagnosis.
出处 《临床与实验病理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第4期241-243,T001,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology
关键词 宫颈癌 免疫组织化学 子宫肿瘤 cervial malignant adenoma mucine histochemistry immunohistochemistry
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