本文将16~18天 Wistar 胎鼠下丘脑与垂体组织块联合植入同种成年雌鼠脑皮层(联合移植组),并与垂体皮层植入(垂体移植组)进行比较,观察其存活状况及内分泌功能的差别,术后第二天,受体鼠各组均经耳入路去除垂体。术后20天、50天取材,用光镜、透射电镜行形态学、用放射免疫法行内分泌功能检查。结果显示:术后20天,两组移植组织存活良好,有单核及淋巴细胞浸润,联合移植组催乳素(PRL)低于垂体移植组,甲状腺素(T_4)水平则较高。术后50天,两组移植组织大部变性坏死,代之以结缔组织,两组 PRL 水平下降,T_4下降明显。提示:(1)在脑皮层内,下丘脑垂体联合移植的内分泌功能优于单纯垂体移植;(2)虽然脑皮层为部分免疫特区,后期移植物仍遭到排斥。
Transplantation of hypothalamus and pi-tuitary tissues (HP) or pituitary tissue alone(P) of 16-18 days old rat embryos into thecerebral cortex of each homologous adult hy-pophysectomized rat were performed.Thegrafts were examined under both light andelectron microscope,the serum prolactin(PRL),T_4 levels were determined by radio-immunoanalysis (RIA).20 days after opera-tion,the grafts were found surviving withmononuclear cell and lymphocyte infiltrationin the transpianted tissues,T_4 levels in serumwere higher in the “HP” group than those inthe “P” group(P<0.01),while PRL level waslower in the“HP”group (P<0. 01).50 dayspostoperatively most of the grafts were de-stroyed as a result of rejection and only asmall portion was remained well.The hor-mone levels markedly decreased in bothgroups.This means that the grafts survived,and the pituitary tissues receiving input fromthe hypothalamus in the“HP”group have abetter function,whereas the pituitary tissuesin the“P”group,being far from the hypotha-lamus function abnormally.This studyshowed that the secretary function of the hy-pothalamic pituitary grafts is superior to thatof the pituitary alone when transplanted intothe cerebral cortex.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery