将PT状态方程应用于固体溶质在含夹带剂超临外流体中的溶解度的计算。对溶质的物理性质、方程参数及二元交互作用参数的影响进行了较详细的讨论。在此基础上建立了一个新的立方型状态方程参数的混合规则,将该混合规则与PT状态方程相结合计算固体溶质在有无夹带剂超临界流体中的溶解度较采用传统的van der Waals混合规则计算的结果有较大改进。该混合规则在低压下溶质溶解度较低时可恢复到van der Waals混合规则。
P-T equation of state has been applied to the cosolvent supercritical fluid extrac tion calculations. A new composition dependent mixing rule for cubic equation of state is proposed based on the effects of solute properlies and equation of statc parameters of the solubility calculations. A comparison bctween the new mixing rulc and the van dcr Waals mixing rule was made. More accurate calculation results were obtained by using PT equa tion of state with the new mixing rule. The new mixing rule can reduce to the conventional van der Waals mixing rule as the solubility of solute approaches to zero in pure supercritical solvent.