Results from multi-factor experiments showed that indices of six main rice pests which included injury levels of rice stem borers Chio suppresalis, Tryporyza incentulas indices of rice sheath disease Rhizoctonia solani and rice blast Pyricularia oryzae, population of army worm Leucaoia venalbo and parasitic bees (spp.) as well as rice yield were closely relative to each of the experimental factors which were amount of nitrogen application, density of transplanted rice seedlings, depth of irrigation water and numbers of insecticide and fungicide. Consequently, five optimal combinations of controlable measures for integrated pest control on rice have been selected by simulating.
Results of analyses of data tested in fields demostrated that ecologic control effects on the pests, costs and prof its of the combinations were obviosly superior to conventional chemical control. Comparison of chemical control, the new methods reduced amount of nitrogen and pesticide applied by 20~45% and over 50% respectively, decreased tatol costs by 74.85~130.05%yuan/ hm2 and increased net return by 122.10-486.90 yuan/hm2, populations of spiders and cocoon masses of parasitic bees by 1.44 and 11.61-28.90 times respectively.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences