The morphological features fo focal dysplasia and its significanceof various colo-rectal polyps and adenocarcinomas of 76 cases were studied. The resultsshowed that the detection rates of focal dysplasia in colo-rectal polyps of various typeswere:zero in the juvenile polyps,8.3% in the hyperplastic polyps,10% in the inflamma-tory polyps,42.9% in the polypoid adenomas,50% in the familial adenoma,66.7% in thevillous adenoma and l00% in the maligant and adenome,The focal dysplasia(2 to 5 cellsat least and l0 at most)might be located in a glandular cavity or in a papillary branch,They were arranged irregularly,some protruded to the lumen of the tubules,some outsidethe basal membrane.The focal dysplasia showed enlargement of the size of the cell nu-clei,so that the nuclear cytoplasmic ratio was altered.The chromatin was increased orcondensed,and nucleoli became more prominant.Nuclei were frequently lobes in shape,or otherwise irregular,Immunohistochemical examination showed that the expression of P21 in 59.3%,CEA in 77.8%,MC3 in 59.3%and PNA in 63%. The AgNOR counts were2.84-8.6l per cell, 47.05%of the cells contained more than 4 argentaffin granules percell, granules were enlarged and irregular. The findings indicated that focal dysplasiamight be an important malignant change of precancerous iesions.
Chinese Journal of Cancer