利用本课题组研制的毛蛋粉代替进口鱼粉进行了仔鸡的饲养试验,试验选用本院牧场提供的1日龄AA肉雏400只,随机分为5组.0~4周龄各组日粮中的鱼粉含量(%)分别为6、4、2、1、0,毛蛋粉的含量(%)相应为0、1、2、4、6;5~8周龄各组日粮中的鱼粉含量(%)分别为4、3、2、1、0;毛蛋粉的含量(%)相应为0、1、2、3、4、.结果表明:4周龄、8周龄平均体重各试验组与对照组之间存在显著差异(P>0.05).多重比较(LSD法)结果表明;4周龄平均体重试验1、2组与对照组无显著差异,试验3、4组与对照组差异显著;8周龄平均体重除试验4组与对照组差异极显著外(P<0.1)其余各组与对照组之间均无显著差异(P<0.05 ).
<ABSTRACT>: We use hachery residue powder developed by us instead of the imported fish meal to make some experiments on raising chichens. 400 one-day - old AAbroilers suplied by the livestock breeding farm of our college were amdomly devided into 5 gruops.of the di-etary the content of the fish meal (%) in the groups from one-old to 4-week-old chickens is separately 6,4, 2, 1,0. Ang the relevant content of hatchery ersidue powder(% )is 0,1,2,4,6,The content In the groups of5-8-week-old chickens the content of the fish meal (% )is separately 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. And the content of rele-vent content of hatchery residue powder (%)is 0, 1, 2 , 3, 4. The result show : there is notable diffrencein theaverage weight between the experiment groukps and the contrast groups of 4 -week - old chickens and 8-week-old chickens (P<0. 05)Through the comparisons in mays (LSD method ),the result is:the average weight of 4-week-oldchickens in the 1st and 2nd experiment groups isn't of much great difference with the one in the contrastgroup,While there's remarkable difference between the 3rd and 4th groups and the experiment group. Aboutthe average weight of 8-week-old chickens,except that the 4th group has stiking difference with the exper- iment group(p<0. 1),the othar groups haven's much great difference with the experiment group (p<0. 05)