小圆皮蠹Anthrenus verbasci Linnaeus在安徽1~2年发生一代,以不同龄期的幼虫越冬,4月下旬部分越冬幼虫化蛹、另一部分继续以幼虫形态存在直至再次越冬.5月上中旬成虫羽化,5月中下旬产卵,每雌产卵4~45粒,6月上中旬卵孵化,以幼虫为害昆虫标本和各种仓储物.常温下各虫态历期分别为;卵期19.7天,幼虫期5~7个月(越冬期除外),蛹期13.8天,雌虫寿命为21.4天,雄虫寿命为16.3天.食料和温度严重影响其生长发育速度.用1.5%甲敌粉放入标本盒内进行防治.
: Anthrenus verbasci Linnaeus produce a generation one or two years in Anbui Province.living through the winter as larvae at different ages. During the last ten days of April some over-wintering larvas turn into pupae whereas the others will kepp larva form through another winter.In the first and middle ten days of May imagoes begin eelosion and produce eggs in the latter halfof this month. 4—45eggs each female. In the first half of June. eggs are hatched The larvae harminseet samples and everything. Under the normal temperature. the eggs are last 19. 7days. laru-ae5—7months (except wintering time).pupae 13. 8days. The female exists 21. 4days and the male16. 3days. The groweh of vaious forms of this kind of inseet will be vitally affected by food andtempernture and they cal be prevented and controlled with 15% parathion-metyyl + trichlor-phon put in the sample box.
: Anthrenus verbasci Linnaeus biological features prevention and control