

The statistical analysis of the examination question quality of the nation-wide college entrance exanination in 1993
摘要 本文运用经典测量理论与数理统计方法,对1993年全国普通高考试题质量进行定量分析,旨在为国家教委修订考试设计、筛选试题提供客观依据,为中学检测教学效果,有针对性地进行教学改革提供反馈信息。 This article presents a quantitative analysis of the examination question quali-ty of the NCEE in 1993 by tneans of the application of the classical theory of survey andthe method of statistical analysis. It serves to provide an objective basis for the NationalDepartment of Education to revise the examination design and sift out the examinationquestions.Also,it offers the feedback data for the check on the middle school teachingand the educational reform.
作者 凌云 胡启中
出处 《安徽师大学报》 1994年第3期15-20,共6页
关键词 试题质量 难度 统计分析 考试 Examination question quality,level of difficulty,possibility of distinction.
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