Ottyang,C.等(1967)从尖吻蝮(Agkistrodon acutus)蛇毒中分离纯化得到凝血酶样成分,分子量33500,由17种263个氨基酸组成,具有体内去纤作用,但未见用于临床的报道。杉原久义等(1978)也从尖吻蝮蛇毒中分离纯化得到了一个促凝组分,分子量52000,具有精氨酸酯酶和凝血酶活性,未见体内血液学效应及临床应用的报道。我们从1974年起,对尖吻蝮蛇毒凝血酶样酶进行7较为系统的研究,并研制成“去纤酶注射液”,于1978年首先用于临床,1981年鉴定通过。这是我国最先研制并用于临床的蛇毒酶制剂。它由四个凝血酶样同工酶组成,其分子量分别是33500,68000,19500,30000;它们均由17种氨基酸组成。
Defibrinase, a kind of new anti-coagulating medicine, was first made in Kunming Institute of zoology Academia Sinica. Its containing the 4 thrombin-like, their molecular weights were 33500, 68000, 19500, 30000. More than 10000 cases from 30 hospitals in China proved that defibrinase plasmo-fibrinogen causes the declining of blood viscosity, agglomerating of red blood cell and platelet, and prolonging greatly the clotting time or no clotting at all. Its action is demonstrated against cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, eye-ground thrombus, femorblot, deep vein thrombus, pulmonary blot, etc. In 1981, head by the public Health Department of Yunnan Province and Kunming Branch of Academia, it was evaluated and appraised. All the people present agreed that defibrinase exerts both defrination and fibrinolysis actions. Its a new anti-coagulationg drug of promise.
Journal of Snake