Abstract CoSti2/GaAs Schottky contacts were formed from Co/Si/GaAs multilayer structure after furnace annealing (FA) at 600℃ for 30min, and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at 800℃ for 30s. The characteristics of CoSt, thin film and CoSt,/GaAs interface have been studied in detail by using a variety of techniques including XRD, AES, SIMS, SEM etc.. A smooth CoSt, single phase could form from Co/Simultilayers aftel annealing under suitable conditions, and the resistance of CoSi2,thin. film formed is about 30μΩ. Even annealed (RTA) at 900℃, the interface of CoSi2,/GaAs still remained rather sharp and the morphology of CoSi2, thin film was very plain and no blistering was observed. CoSi2,/GaAs Schottky barriers have also been studied by using (I-V) electronic measurements. The barrier height after annealing at 750℃ for 30min is ΦBH=0.76eV, n=1.14. CoSi2/GaAs Schottky contact formed from Co/Si/GaAs structure could meet the demand of GaAs MESFETtechnology. CoSti2 may be a promising gate in self-aligned GaAs MESFET technology.