选用 C_(18)色谱柱,以甲醇/水为流动相,加入氢氧化铵作为离子对试剂,用盐酸调 pH至8~9,流速为0.7 mL·min^(-1)。使用紫外检测器,波长265 nm,测定了敌磺钠工业品含量。结果表明:敌磺钠能与杂质完全分离;方法精密度、准确度均达要求;在50~1000 μg·mL^(-1)浓度范围内,线性关系良好。该方法操作简单,测定快速,可减少光解和避免杂质干扰,较其他分析方法更为准确可靠。
An Ionpair HPLC method for analyzing fenaminosulf has been developed.A C_(18) column was used.Technical grade of fenaminosulf could be separated from impurties on C_(18)column eluted with methanol/water/NH_3·H_2O,pH value was regulated to 9 with hydrochloric acid and flow rate was 0.7 mL ·min.Fenaminosulf was detected by UV detector at 265 nm,The results showed that this method is also suitable for formulation analysis of fenaminosulf.