
SPF鸡动物实验室的建立及其实验应用 被引量:1

Construction of Super Clean Laboratory for SPF Chicken and its Assessment
摘要 SPF鸡动物实验室的建立及其实验应用范书曦,周蛟,郭志弘,姚炜光,闫乃颐,苏凤林,刘有昌北京市农林科学院畜牧兽医研究所前言随着科研水平的不断提高,对实验动物以及饲养实验动物的环境、设施的要求也有了全新的内容和根本的差别。我所根据“北京市实验动物饲养与... The key concept involved in the basic design is the isolation against contaminants while assuring necessary opera- tions of researchers and transport of materials required by the experimentation.On the one hand,most parts of the building are well sealed and air filters and various disinfectant measures are interposed at various points to cut off any contamitant that might get in.On the other hand,several channels are provided to insure the smooth but supervised flow of workers and materials in- volved.Most notably,filtered clean air forms nearly closed circulation in isolation room,with turnover amount lost via isolators and incubation room which are replenished from outside through entrance.This means both insurance of clean air and saving of en- ergy.Besides,a relatively higher or lower air pressure is maintained in a number of special isolators to prevent,respectively,the clean object(eg.healthy control)from being contaminated or the unclean object(eg.infected chicken) from making contamination of outside objects And our experience has proved the efficacy of effectively filter out most particles arising from within such as downs and feed debris, All the experimental materials are forced to make a one-way flow.With the wastes disposed at the end. Power supply is guaranteed by double lines and a selfdesigned DC plonum fan will be set in motion automatically in case of power outage.In addition,inner telephones are installed to insure timely communication which spares the need of personal movement the might cause contamination.Technical assessment has found that dust content.the noise level and indoor air pressures all reach 10 the standard.But more significantly,actual experiments using this superclean laboratory hasproved its real value.For example.sharp contrast was demonstrated between 100%protection in immunized chicken challenged with100 BID 50 of IBDV variants and 100%infection in unimmunized ones which were reared in different isolators in the same room under the same conditions,a fact that demonstrated perfect isolation among the isolators.
出处 《北京实验动物科学与管理》 1994年第4期30-34,共5页
关键词 动物实验室 SPF鸡 应用 SPF Chicken Super Clean Laboratory
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