Scid mouse is
homozygous for a recessive mutation at a locus thatinfluences the
assembly of intact immunoglobulin and T cell receptorgenes.
Therefore,scid mice cannot generate functional B and Tlymphocytes,and
profoundly immunodeficient, and are valuable animal tostudy
turnour.immunology,infections with pathogens and reproductivebiology.
In the present study,we have surveied some characterization ofthe
scid mice.The scid mice were raised in plastic film isolators inwhich
SPF condition was kept.Average litter size of the scid mice
was5.6.weaned-to-born ratio was 90%. By 4 to 8 weeks of age,
reiativeweigts of the thymus and the spleen were 0.0433 ± 0.0l9l%,0.
0688 ± 0.0l37%respectively The size of the leukocytes per mm3
peripheral blood was 2000±339, In which the lymphocytes were 14~27%
.The thymus wasfound to consist of a rudimentary medulla withour
cortex and contained few lymphocytes. The spleen follicles were empty
virtually devoid of lym- phocytes. occupied by reticular cell.Sera
from scid mice have notbeen assayed for the presence of
immnuoglobulin. The leaky ratio ofthisyoung scid mice was l 3.3%. By
35 and over weeks of age ,the majority of scid mice were leaky, and
its ratio was 7l.4%. Our works will be of great value to
breeding.management and quality control of scid mice. the tentative
apptications of scid mice were made in this study too。