the present Work the relation of hepatoprotection of
neurotensin(NT)to calcium was investi- gated.The results are as
follows: after administration of acetaminophen both the Ca2+ influx
in mouse hepatocytes and the total Ca2+ content in the liver
increased significantly,the Ca2+ content in mito- chondria and the
Ca2+ uptake by mitochondria showed no change,showing that there may
be cytosolic Ca2+ overload in hepatocytes. Pretreatment with NT
before acetaminophen completely revered the inc- rease of Ca2+
influx and reduced liver Ca2+ content slightly,but increased the
content of Ca2+ in mi- tochondria significantly.These results
indicate that NT may alleviate the overload of cytosolic Ca2+ by
decreasing Ca2+ influx and enhancing the ability for mitochondria to
trap Ca2+,and thus achieve hepatoprotective effect.
Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences)