在野鸭越冬期逐旬测定了绿翅鸭、琵嘴鸭、斑嘴鸭笼养下的生存能。结果表明,三种野鸭越冬期每天摄食量分别为绿翅鸭32.4克,琵嘴鸭54.9克、斑嘴鸭80.2克。食物利用率依次为75.6%;73.7%;73.8%。生存代谢能依次为102.7千卡/只·天;173.6千卡/只·天;248.2千卡/只·天。总能量的摄入有三个高峰,分别出现在秋季迁来后、冬季寒潮后和春季迁飞前。 三种野鸭越冬期体重呈现出二低二高的变化形式。1983年与1963年野外野鸭体重相比较,绿翅鸭平均降低了20%,斑嘴鸭降低了12%,表明太湖湖泊生态系统对野鸭的栖息越冬有恶化的趋势。 本文分三个季节拟合了体重与生存能的关系式,比较了不同季节生存能与静止代谢能的差异,表明野鸭是通过提高体廓的隔热能力,增加体内能量的储存以及减少活动和生产的能量消耗来渡过寒冷又缺少食物的冬季的。
Existence metabolism of the common teal (Anas crecca) , shoveller (Anas cl-ypeata) and spotbill duck (Anas poecilorhycha) kept in cage was determined during the wintering season. The results showed that amount of food intake was 32.4g ind-1·day-1 in the common teal, 54.9 g ind-1·day-1 in the shoveller and 80.2 g ind-1·day-1 in the spotbill duck . The average efficiency of digestion was 75.6% in the common teal, 73.7% in the shoveller and 73.8% in the spotbill duck. The metabolizable energy was 102.7 kcal ind-1·day-1 in the common teal, 173.6 kcal ind-1 · day-1 in the shoveller, and 248.2 kcal ind-1·day-1 in the spotbill duck.The gross energy intake of the three ducks have three peaks during the wintering season.They are found after migrating to the wintering area in the autumn,after lowest ambient temperature in the winter and before migrating to the north in the spring.Body weight of the three ducks during the wintering season showed a fluctuating variation of two low and two high peaks. Comparison between 1963 and 1983, the mean body weight of the common teal in 1983 decreased by 20%, the mean body weight of the spotbill duck in 1983 decreased by 12%.It is suggested that the Taihu lake ecosystemsytem was influenced by unsuitable treatment.Regression equations of existence metabolism on body weight was obtained in the autumn, winter and spring. The equations of regression are M = 3.3304W0.6488 in autumn, M = 4.046W0.5775 in the winter and M = 2.302 W0.0591 in the spring (M:kcal ind-1·day-1, W:g) .Comparison between existence metabolism and resting metabolism showed that energy used in activity and production in the wintei was lower than that in the autumn and spring.The ducks winter under sharply cold and food scarcity winter by increased plumage insulation and fat deposits in the body,decreasing energy consumption for activity and production.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
Existence metabolism, Common teal, Shoveller, Spotbill duck.