Pregnancy─induced hypertension complicated by
DIC was diagnosed in 21 of 298 patients with severe pregnancy─induced hypertension.
Among them , latepregnant women and premiparae accounted for 80. 95%(17/21) and
61.90%(13/21)respectively. In the prediposing cause, DIC was induced by premature separation
ofplacenta in 5 cases(5/21),and no precipitating factor was found in the other,5 cases.There
were 11 cases of DIC accompanied by renal failure─induced acidosis. Among the 21 patients ,
14 were cured completely and 7 died of shock. The main therapies were treatment of the severe
pregnancy─induced hypertension with magnesium sulfate,termination of pregnancy,correction
of acldosis ,prevention of blood coagulation withheparin , etc.lt is favourable for prognosis of
the disese to make diagnosis as early aspossible and to perform treatment without
Journal of Chengde Medical University