Leafy spurge (E. esula) is a serious weed of the range lands of the northern Great Plains region of North America. The weed is native to Europe and Northeast Asia where it is not a problem. A survey for insects and diseases was undertaken to discover organisms that might contribute to the biological control of E. esula in North America. In Liaoning province (northeastern China), E. esula was found to have low level populations with relatively few natural enemies. E. esula was more common in Inner Mongolia where it had diverse assemblages of often abundant insects and diseases including: Aphthona spp. (Chrysomelidae), Oberea prob.. erythrocepha la (Cerambycidae), Chamaesphecia sp. (Aegeriidae), Endophyllum sp. (Pucciniaceae), and Me 1ampsora sp.(Melampsoraceae), all of which are believed to have promise as biological control agents of leafy spurge.
Euphorbia esula weed biological control