mall flip angle pulse NOR technique of nuclei with half integerspin in powdered sample was discussed.A series of HZSM-5,HM,HFu-9 and H--Ferrierite samples was calcinated at different temperatures.The change of the amount of B acid sites of zeolites was determined by inverse exchange with NaCI solution and i-acid sites weremeasured by EPR spectroscopy after adsorption of benzene vapor.Itwas found that during the calcination the B acid sites were transformedinto the l-acid sites and there was a sudden change. Zeolite sampleswhich had been calcined at different teml>eratures were then impregnated with a solution of 38% vol. acetylacetone in ethanol and observed insmall flip angle pulse 27Al MAS NMR. only a few nonframework aluminum were existed in those calcined samples according'to the 27AlNMR observation to provide that the dehydroxyl process and the formation of L acids for HZSM-5,Ha,HFu-9,H-Ferrierite would not accompany simultaneously with the dealumination process.