The Changma Fault Zone (CFZ) is the most active left lateral strike slip one at the north of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. It appeared as a comprehensive anomalous gradient zones with regional gravity, aeromagnetism and the thickness of crust. It is recognized to be the ultra-lithosphere fault zone.The CFZ is comprised of 12 uncontinuous main and 4 subgrade shear faults,having lengths of 418km. The CFZ might be divided into the east, middle and west 3 segments. There existed the character of segmentation on the horizontal slips and slip rates of the fault zone. During Holocene the left lateral horizontal slip rates of the east, middle and west 3 segments were 4.1 mm/yr, 2.6 mm/yr and 1.5 mm/yr respectively. The displacements of NEE, NNW and NWW faults are provided with the feature of grade, the displacements of different grades possessed with fair synchronism. During Holocene the horizontal slip rates of NEE, NNW and NWW faults were 4.1 mm/yr, 3.8 mm/yr and 2.7 mm/yr respectively. Since Cretaceous, the CFZ had emerged the movements of balance fashion, appearing the feature of movement of hinge fault, the pivotal axis is located at the middle segment of the CFZ. The character of the focal rupture of Changma earthquake and its reflected focal stress field are not coincided with the character of the surface rupture zone and its reflected tectonic stress field. The focal mechanism solution of Changma earthquake reflected the focal stress field of NNW-SSE compression, while the deformation combination of the surface rupture zone reflected the tectonic stress field of the NE-SW compression.The Changma earthquake rupture zone having length of 120km is divided into 3 segments, i. e, eastern normal strike slip segment, middle reverse strike slip segment and the western emphenage rupture segment. Horizontal slips indicated multiple peak values along the rupture zone. During Holocene 6 surface-rupture earthquakes have occurred along the CFZ. The reccurrence interrvals for magnitude of Ms= 7 -7.5 are 2000 years. The model of the surface rupture earthquakes along CFZ was conformable to the characteristic earthquake one.
Journal of Seismological Research
Fracture zone, Fault displacement, Fault slip, Macroquake,Stress field, Earthquake recurrence period, Seismogenesis, GansuQinghai block, Changma fault zone.