
产肠毒素大肠杆菌腹泻病的系列研究(Ⅱ)临床特点 被引量:6

Studies on Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli Diarrhea(Ⅱ) :Clinical Features
摘要 用产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)的4种主要毒力基因(LT、STp、STh、CFA/I)制成同位素标记的探针作为诊断手段,在广州市远郊农村对ETEC腹泻病做了系列研究。该病年发病率12.17%,年龄1个月~75岁。不足5岁的发病率为80.28%,其中不足2岁的高达18.97%;5岁以上的为2.18%,差异非常显著(P<0.01).男孩显著高于女孩(P<0.01).发病高峰在7月(1.47%)和11月(1.76%)。临床症状以腹泻(100%)、呕吐(32.5%)、食欲差(28.9%)为主,95%的不足2岁患者伴有上感症状,31.3%有38℃以下低热,个别达39℃以上者常伴有合并感染,但成人少见,75%患者为水样便或稀便,14.5%为粘液便,3.6%为脓血便;有脓血便者常合并志贺氏菌、空肠弯曲菌或侵袭性大肠杆菌(EIEC)感染。82%的患者每天大便3~5次,>10次者常有合并感染。菌型以ETEC-STp为主,依次为LT、ST/LT和CFA/I。病程一般为3~4天。对常用抗菌药物敏感,但对红霉素、四环素、青霉素G有高度抗性,且多重抗性十分普遍。 tudies on enterotoxigenic escherichia coli(ETEC)diarrhea were carried out in the suburb ofGuangzhou for one year. Four probes for the genes encoding ETEC extoxigens(LT,STh, STp and CFA/I) were used for detecting ETEC strains. A total of 5116 villagers were surveyed and the annual incidencerate was 12. 17%. The oldest patient was 75 years old and the youngest was 1 month of age. The incidencerate under 5 years of age was significantly higher than that above 5 years of age(80. 28%versus 2. 18%,p<0.05). The incidence rate in boys was significantly higher than girls(P<0.05).The incidence rate un-der 2 years of age was 187%(1. 9 episodes/person/year).Two peaks of ETEC diarrhea were found in ayear, one in July and another in November. The analyses on the clinical features of ETEC diarrhea showedthat: diarrhea(100%) , poor appetite 28.9%(23/83) , nausea and /or vomiting 32. 5%(27/83) , tenesmus3.6%(3/83 ). 95%of children under 2 years of age had upper respiratory tract infection. Adult patientshas no fever. Some of the children with diarrhea had a low fever. The children temperature above 39℃of-ten had mixed infections, The properties of the stool of ETEC diarrheal patients were: watery stools 75%(62/83), mucous stools 14.5%(12/83), pus and bloody stools 3.6%(3/83). The latter was usually com-paried with Shigella, Campylobacter or EIEC infections. On the average , the patients with ETEC diarrheapassed 3-5 stools per day. The patients who passed more than 10 stools per day usually had mixed infec-tions. ETEC-STa strains were the most frequently detected in ETEC diarrheal patients. 75%- 100%of di-arrheal patients caused by LT , LT/ST and CFA/I had watery or loose stools. The patients with ETEC-STp diarrheo might have loose or watery stools with bloody. Mixed infection rate was 51. 8%(43/83). The average course of illness was 3-4days. ETEC strains were sensitive to gentamycin, furazolidone andfurantoin; however , they were resistant to erythromycin, penicillin G and tetracyclin, moreover , multire-sistant strains were quite common.
出处 《第一军医大学学报》 CSCD 1994年第2期133-135,共3页 Journal of First Military Medical University
关键词 ETEC 腹泻 基因 探针 大肠杆菌 ETEC diarrhea clinical feature gene probe
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  • 1俞守义,中华流行病学杂志,1986年,7卷,3期,170页
  • 2陈锦光,微生物学报,1985年,25卷,119页












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