本文介绍的 HQ-1型摩擦磨损试验机是一种多用途试验机。其性能与技术指标已达到国外同类试验机水平。该试验机的适用范围较宽,试验结果具有较好的重复性和选择性。可广泛应用在各类油品及添加剂的研制和摩擦学机理研究方面,还可适用于研究不同材料的摩擦磨损性能。
The model HQ-1 friction and wear testing machine discribed in this pa-per is a multi-purpose testing machine.Its capability and quality indiceshave come up to the advanced world standard of similar testing machines.The repeatability and reproducibility of the test results are quite good.It canused for developing all kinds of lubricating oils,greases and additives as wellas for studying the mechanism of friction.It also can be used to uudy the fr-iction and wear properties of different materials.