Pulsed Molecular Beam Valve and Its Controller//Xu Xilin, Yao Chuanrong (National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026)
This paper describes the operation principle of a pulsed molecular beam valve and the design of its controller. The controller provides internal and external trigger selection: Trigger delay is 0. 05~3.0ms (8 steps), valve open time duration 0.1-1. 5ms(8 steps),valve open pulse control 0. 05-1. 0ms(8 step),valve close and bounce interval control 0.1-1.0ms (continuously adjustable). Synchronous pulse output and driving coil current monitoring are provided. The pulsed molecular beam produced by this apparatus can meet the requirements of synchrotron radiation laboratory. The controller can also be used for controlling other gas valves.
Analytical Instrumentation