Four chicken parameters(primary weigth(PW), egg weigth(EW), percentage of transferrin(Tf% ) and per,centage of albumen (A1b%),from scanning electrophoesis atlas of chicken blood protein) haye been studied by variance, corruelation, rearssion and progressive regrssion analysis. The results show that the Tf% and A1b% in the. parents' blood protein are signific antly higher than .the offsprings. The Tf% and, A1b% in group of the offspring fern.lized by mixed semen were between the two simple hybridized groups. The correlation coefficient of PW and EW .was 0.7214, and the other were negatilve correlation The regression and the progressiyely regression equations are PW=-0.1405(Tf%)-0.0841,(A1b%)+0.6606 (kW)+4.892 and PW=-0.0798 (A1b% )+,0.6734 (EW)+2.6015, respectiyely.
Fujian Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary medicine