With stable perfusive current method or high perfusive pressure method to perfuse the 'Jiayixin' cardioplegia(containing Potassium,Verapamil and Propranolol),its effects on myocardial protection and heart resuscitation were observed and compared in this research. In the group of stable current method.no myocardial edema appeared after perfusing cardioplegia repeatedly, the coronary current resistance was reduced and the blood supply to the myocardium was sufficient during the period of the reperfusion;After 90 min of arrested ischemia at normothermia and 30 min of reperfusion of blood,the LVSP and dp/dt max of the rabbit's hearts recovered nearly to the control level before ischemia.In the group of high pressure method,myocardial edema appeared after perfusing cardioplegia repeatedly,and the blood supply to the myocardium stayed insufficient after reperfusion,Therefore,the effects of the protecting ischemic myocardium and the heart resuscitation are improved.
cardioplegia,myocardial protection,myocardial edema