

Five new species and a new record of Drosophilid flies (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from Sichuan province,China
摘要 在四川盆地边缘山区发现了果蝇科Drosophilidae,果蝇亚科Drosophilinae五新种、一新记录.二种为小果蝇属Microdrosophila,直翅小果蝇正属Oxystyloptera;一种为曙果蝇属Liodrosophila;一种为果蝇属Drosophila,其中一种为水果果蝇亚属Sophophora,另一种为果蝇亚属Drosophila;一种新记录为姬果蝇属Scaptomyza。 UP to now, no Drosophilid species has been reported from Sichuanprovince, China.We have started a fauna of survey Drosophilid species since 1989.A totalof over 15,000 individuals were collected. In fthe Present work -five new speciesand a new record were described. Two new species of genus MicrodrosophilaMalloch,M.(Oxystyloptera) chuii,- M.(O.) sagittatusa, one new species of thegenus Liodrosophila Duda, Lio. iophaLlanthusa, two new species of the genusDrosophila Fallen,D.(Sophophora) solStitiatis, D. (Drosophila) salpina and onenew record of the genus Scaptomyza Hardy, Sc. clavata Okada.All holotypes and paratypcs are deposited in the institute of Genetics,Fudan University, Shanghai, China.Genus Microdrosophila MallochSubgenus Oxystyloptera Dudasubgenus Oxystyloptera DudaMicrodrosophila (Oxystyloptera) chuii, sp.f nov. brig .l)This new species belongs to MicrodroSophila (OXystyloptera) and rsemblcsM. (O.) conica Okada 1985 by having the sterns --index leSs than 0.=5. But it differs from the latter by having the sickle surstylus; paramere long. It's nearly aslong as aedeagusHolotypef ac, Mt. Jinyun, Sichuan, 27. IV' 1989, (Chen Huazhong,Weng Zhigong and Gao Chuan).Paratypesf 4ac ac, 2 1 l, same date as holotype.Remarksf The specific name is dedicated to Mr. Chen Chuizhen, theagriculturist of Diankou, Zhuji, Zhejiang, who understand and promotedthis study.Microdrosophila (Oxystyloptera) sagittatusa, sp. nov.(Fig,.2) This'new species belongs to Microdrosophila (Oxystyloptera) and resemblesM.(O.) tectiffons (de Meijere) 1914 by having accesso.ry o-rgan ofaedeagus gross and fingerprint rings.But it differs from the latter byhaving sagittatusa surstylus, cercus finger--shaped and egg --guide withthree long bristles and three shorter bristles at tip.Holotype' ac,Mt. Jinyun, Sichuan, 27. IV. 1989, (Chen Huazhong,Weng Zhigang and Gao Chuan).'Paratypesf I J I same date as holotype.Genus Liodrosophila DudaLiodrosophila iophacantusa,sp.nov.(Fig .3)This new species belong to Liodrosophila genus and resemblesLiodrosophila penispinosa Dwived and Gupta 1979 by having aedeagusapically with two pairs recurved clawas. But distinguished by aedeagustip pointed, anterior a pair clawas large than to posterior, cercus oblong,apically with about 15 stout black setae, decasternum heart --shaped.Holotypef ac, Mt. Qingcheng, Sichuan, 27. Iv' 1989, (ChenHuazhong, Weng Zhigang and Gao Chuan).Paratypef I j, same date as holotype.Genus Drosophila FallenSubgenus sophophora SturtevantDrosophila (Sophophora) solstitialis.sp.nov.(Fig .4)This. new species belongs to obscura species -- group, obscuraspecies -- subgroup and resembles Drosophila (Sophophora) bifasciatapomini 1940 by having aedeagus bifid, slender, apically pointed, anteriorparamere oblong, pointed at tip and with a row of sensilla. But it differsfrom the latter by having aedeagus inside pubescent, novasternumwith two pairs minute submedian spines, cercus apically with many stoutblack setae; decasternumn---shaped,egg --guides with 16 marginal and 3discal teeth.Holotypef;, Mt. Qingcheng, Sichuan, 26. IV' 1989, (Chen Huazhong,Weng Zhigang and Gao Chuan).Praratypes: 4 ac, 2 4 l, same date as holotyps.Subgenus Drosop hilaDrosophila (Drosophila) salpina, sp. nov. (Fig, 5) This new species belongs to immigrans species --group and resemblesDrosophila (Drosophila) kitagawai J. Toda 1986 by having aedeagusdistally expanded like trumpet, laterally with a pair of acute, sclerotizedprojections. But it differs from the latter by having anterior paramerelarge with 3 sensilla, posterior parameres(?) oval with many microtrichi4decasternum pear--shaped, egg --guides with 23 marginal and 4 discalteeth.Holotypef j, Mt. Zhang Jiajie, 1 200 m, Hunan province, 15.Vin' 1986, (Chen Huazhong). Mt. Qingcheng, Sichuan, 25. IV' 1989.(Chen Huazhong, Weng Zhigang and Gao Chuan).Paratypes' 2 P F, 3 1 1.Genus Scaptomyza HardySubgenus Soap tomyzaScaptomyza (Scaptomyza) clavata Okada. 1973, kontyft 41 (4)f435 -- 436 (Japan).Specimens examined. 4 j j, 4 1 l, Mt. Qingcheng, Sichuan, 26.IV' 1989. (Chen Huazhong, Weng Zhigang and
作者 陈华中
出处 《复旦学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期335-347,共13页 Journal of Fudan University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 果蝇科 双翅目 新种 四川 Drosophilidae Diptera new species Sichuan
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  • 1Zhang Wenxia,Proc Jpn Soc Syst Zool,1989年,40期,55页








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