There were 544 cases of neonates hosr pitalized at the altitudes 1680 meters high, they were analyzed according to the statistics. All the cases i were grouped into the premature, full-term and post term infants, the statistical study of the main and the secondary diseases, the causes of deaths were performed. Taking the first seven kinds of diseases as key points, we analyzed the invasion characteristics of each group. It was pointed out that the lighter the weight of a neonates was, the shorter the courses of pregnancy was and the higher the mortality of neonates was. The patients of neonates whose ages were less than seven days had a high mortality. Respiratory diseases accounted for over 1/3 of all, pneumonia and common cold accounted for 98 percent a-mong them. They occurred mainly in winter and spring. The primary reasons for the diseases were high altitudes, a dry climate and large temperature difference between day and night and so on. It is necessary that we should take good care of the neonatswithin seven days after birth, prevent premature laber and supply increasingly the women with frace elemants, especially Iodine, during their courses of pregnancy in order to reduce the neonates' mortality.
Gansu Medical Journal