近年来,由于耳穴探诊、耳廓染色的开展及应用,对于肿瘤和常见病的早期发现、早期防治,起到了显著的推进作用。本文对上述两项检测手段,与CT(即电子计算机断层扫描)检查作对照观察,以探讨其规律性,评价其准确性。 1 资料与方法 资料来源 40例患者均为1989~1991年在西安医科大学附二院住院病人。其中男27例,女13例,年龄44~78岁。 步骤与方法 第一步用放大镜观察耳廓阳性反应物;第二步用中医高智能诊断专家系统彩色电脑,进行重点探测以下的肿瘤定性耳穴,(6个点,3个区域)即肾上腺、内分泌、皮质下、肿瘤1、肿瘤2、肿瘤3、肿瘤特异区1、肿瘤特异区2、肿瘤特异区3。然后探测肿瘤的发生部位,即定位耳穴,为其相对应的各脏腑的耳穴,如:肺、肝、胃、肾、内生殖器、大肠、乳腺等;第三步进行耳廓染色,用云南管氏染色法,具体方法如下:先用5%碳酸氢钠除去耳廓皮脂,再用0.25%高锰酸钾液及5%草酸液涂抹耳廓,以氧化及还原过程清除污垢,再用蒸溜水冲洗,棉球擦干。
There have been obvious changes in many respects of the malignant tumor patients,such as nerves ,body fluid , endocrine , immunity, etc. It is earlier to have the low resistance points or groups in the ear. While using ear acupoints to study and diagnose the disease ,we can capture this information. To observe 40 cases of malignant tumor patients when ear acupuncture points are applied ,the results of auricle staining and CT examination denate that ear acupoint has 85 per cent of qualification ,and ear staining has 60 per cent of gualification.
Gansu Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine