一、基本计算公式1.消火栓栓口处所需水压H_xh=h_d+H_q=A_zL_dq_xh^2+q_xh^2/B(kPa)式中H_xh——消火栓栓口处所需水压(kPa);h_d——消防水带的水头损失(kPa);H_q——水枪喷嘴造成一定长度的充实水柱所需水压(kPa);A_z——水带比阻;帆布的、麻织的水带:DN50 A_z=0.1501,
The method to calculate the outlet flowrate and pressure on nozzle of indoor hydrant has been simplified by the author on the ground of many years practical experience. Firstly the minimum flowrate and minimum required filled water column of each hydrant is determined according to the characteristics, the size and height of the building and the design standard of fire water system, and then the parameters of the hydrant such as the diameters of the outlet of nozzle and of the hydrant, the practical flowrate and filled water column, the water head on the outlet of the nozzle and the necessary head on the outlet of the nozzle etc are founded out quickly from the calculation tables.
Water & Wastewater Engineering