in this study report, the principle, network configuration and thecorrelative tech3aologies for fiber optic subscriber transmission n3twork aresystematically described and detailed. The overall discussions on the technicalpolicies and measures to be taken for the deployment of fiber optic subscribernetwork in China are also given. The following items are involved in thecontsnt of the study report:Introduction. Basic Concept and Network Configuration. Key Technologies for Fiber Optic Subscriber Network. Construction Mode for Fiber Subscriber Network. Technical and Economical Analysis on Fiber Optic Subscriber Network. Experiences and Problems in the Deyelopment of Fiber Optic SubscriberNetwork. Technical Policies and Measures for the Development of Fiber OpticSubscriber Network in ChinaAnnex· General Status of the Development of Fiber Optic Subscriber Network inDifferent Countries· Other Topics and Key Points for the Researches in Fiber OpticSubscriber Network
Optical Communication Technology