Indirect immunofluorescence was used tostudy the temporal appearance and spatialdistribution of desmin during the myogenesisof the embryos of Cynops orientalis.Desminis undetectable until stage 25.In stage 25embryo,it can be seen that desmin is restric-tively distributed at both ends of columnarcells,near the boundary between two somitesand intence in the cells near by the noto-chord.From stage 26 to stage 30,the amountof desmin is increased and its distributionpattern shows little change (Plate Ⅰ,Figs.1—2).At stage 32 desmin can be detectedin the cells more distal to the notochord andforms filaments on the inside of the cell mem-brane parallel to the long axis of the cell(Plate Ⅰ,Fig.3 and 5).Desmin filamentsextend gradually from the both ends towardthe midpart of the cell (Plate Ⅰ,Fig.6 andPlate Ⅱ,Figs.7,11—13).At about stage 40the whole cell is filled with desmin filamentsand the attachment of desmin to Z line canoccassionally be detected (Plate Ⅱ,Fig.8).Desmin attached to Z line is increased at sta-ge 41 (Plate Ⅱ,Fig.9) and at stage 43 mostof the desmin is found attached to Z line(Plate Ⅱ,Fig.10).According to EM obser-vation,Z line structure can be seen in stage33 embryo (Wang),but desmin remainsin the filamental form till stage 40.Thetransference of desmin distribution patternfrom filament to Z line occurs somewhat laterthan the appearance of scattered sarcomeres. The possibility that notochord may bethe main factor which influences the spatiallocalization of desmin was analyzed.Therelationship between the transference ofdesmin from filamental to Z line attachedform and the quantitative changes of bothdesmin and sarcomere was disscussed.
Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica