中国民用航空运输的经营和管理,建国以来都由中国民用航空总局掌管,40年来在基本建设、人材培育、建制布点、扩大航线方面都取得了可喜的成就。70年代末,国家实行改革开放政策以来,中国的民用航空事业取得了迅速发展。从1987年起,中国民航逐步分成国际、东方、南方、西南、西北和北方6家直属航空公司,基本上形成政企分开,航空公司和机场、管理局分开的新体制,有力地促进了中国民用航空事业的发展。 与此同时,迅速发展的全国经济对国内和国际的交通运输提出了新的要求,而对时间和效率观念的改变。
Today, more than a dozen CAAC' s non-direct subsidiary airlines are entering Chinese air transport market, such as Shanghai Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, etc. They now play an important role in the industry with a fleet up to 105 . During its rapid growth period, there are some difficulties to be solved in business, personnel training, maintenance and airport operation . Author presents status of these airlines and some way to solve above problems .
International Aviation