研制背景机载深测器发现细长类障碍物的能力决定了飞机允许的最低飞行高度。在60米以下,输电线、电力线铁塔、天线塔、天线拉线等细长障碍物,以及敌方故意设置的拦阻气球系绳,都会危及作低空飞行飞机的安全。对于直升机,即使电信线路也可能造成机毁人亡。 迄今。
GEC-Marconi Avionics and Dassault Electronique are developing Compact Laser Radar (CLARA). CLARA is a coherent laser radar based upon carbon dioxide (CO2) laser technology, and is designed to operate at a wave-length of approximately 10μm . It will take a pod-mounted configuration and can be mounted on fixed or rotary wing aircraft. Besides fulfilling the obstacle warning requirement, CLARA -will provide a number of other modes of operation including terrain following, targeting and true air speed measurement.
International Aviation