In 1993, China hasenticed US 25. 76billion of foreigncapital. which isactually in use. almost doubled the total of previous year. The foreign directinvestment last year shows a number of features along with a momentum toward a new stage.Investment increases at a high speed and the real volume goes up,Iwhich stimulates a great leap forward in foreign trade. The import and export volume by foreign funded enterprises takes about 35% of the national total, to US $67 billion.The target area for foreigninvestment is transferring fromsoutheastern coastal areas and otheropen cities to inland reston. The foreigndirect investment absorbed in inlandregion now takes 20% of the totalvolume nationwide, comparing withonly 6% of that in 1992 and before. Inmost of the inland areas, foreigninvested enterprises began to play animportant role in the economicdevelopment.China has enticed more foreigndirect investment in the sectors ofinfrastructure and primary industry.Investment in energy. transportation, telecommunications and other sectors sees a great increase. For the tertiary industry. real estate. banking.securities and insurance are becominghot points for foreign direct investment.An eye-catching development inutilization of foreign capital that moreand more world-famous transnationalcorporations began in invest in thecountry in a large scale. Directinvestment from transnationalcorporations arc active in industrial.transport. finance. agriculture.infrastructure and other Industrics. andthe American takes the lcad followed byEuropean and Japanese companies.It is also noticed that theinvestment from Hongkong and Taiwanremains a major source for the coulltry'sforeign capital market. However. withtheir unique advantages. businessmenl from these regions began to set up theirprojects for the long run developmentsuch as power plants ports. expresshighways. oil exploitation and otherprojects.The Stale has i[llplelnentcd a seriesof policies and measures to encorageforeign investment. such as open moresectors for foreign investment,particularly the tertiary sectors. forthose who invest in agriculture.energy. raw materials, transportation.etc. they enjoy preferential treatmentssuch as tax exempt and otherincentives. For those who invest in portconstruction, they could enjoy theprivilige to operate storage and shipmentbusiness in the country. The state alsopromulgated incentives for investmentin hi tech sectors.
Journal of International Economic Cooperation