

China International Financial Leasing Industry
摘要 中国国际融资租赁:困惑与希望齐国强,张荃(对外贸易经济合作部)中国的融资租赁业是在计划经济体制下萌芽、在改革浪潮的洗礼中成长和发展起来的。从1981年到目前,已有31家中外合资公司、26家中资公司以及约400家兼营租赁业务的信托投资公司,累计引进国外... Chinal's financialleasing industry has experienced a rapid development Since the country begun to implement open-door policy 15 years ago. The accumulated volume of leasing business by the end of 1993 has reached to about US $15billion, 70% of which is used for aircraft and other major equipment and complete plant, equivalent to US $10 billion. Comparing with the total foreign capital which was utilized by the country, leasing industry shows a promising future, in spite of the bad crisis some leasing companies now are enduring.Foreign joint ventures in leasing market have played a major role, and their market shares are estimated to over 50% in equinpment leasing. There are 31 sino-foreign financial leasing companies in the country and 26 Chinese wholly owned leasing enterprise, out of which 14 are classfifed by the central bank as non-banking financial institutions.Joint venture leasing companies are not facilitated with such privileges as financial institutions. Also about 400 companies or institutions all over the country operate leasing business, but their performance can be neslected because of small market value.Bad debt crisis, as some majorSino-foreign joint ventures established earlier in the last 14 years have face,has become a his hurdle for the development of leasing industry. According tothe IEC magazine'S estimate, the baddebt is of over US $350 apron, andmadly is from joint venture companies.The senior authority of the government is considering to adopt effective administrative measures and economicmeans to control and solve the bad debtproblem. The She Council has issued acircular that speculated ways out to thebad debt problems. The Salts Bureau ofIndustry and Commerce told this magaZine that a leasing law was being drfted at the moment and would soon be promulgated hopefully next yeara.
作者 齐国强 张荃
出处 《国际经济合作》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第9期18-21,共4页 Journal of International Economic Cooperation
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