Petroleum taxation holds an important and special position in Norway's tax system. After the 1992 tax reform, the total tax rate paid by petroleum exploitation and pipeline companies dropped from 80. 8% to 78%, primarily as the result of a 28% income tax reduction. Royalties are no longer imposed on gas fields,but only on oil fields that entered production prior to the 1986 oil price slump. Petroleum exploration expenses can now be amortized annually; losses suffered during onshore operations can be deducted from pre - tax profits over ten years,and those from offshore operations over fifteen years. A standard crude oil price system has been adopted in levy- ing taxes;whatever the actual price,the standard is u-
tilized in order to prevent tax evasion. After twenty years of adjustment,especially the 1992 tax reform, Norway's petroleum taxation system is becoming increasingly reasonable,It can be used for our reference
in many respects,
International Petroleum Economics