纤维结合蛋白(Fibroneetin 以下简称FN)是一种糖蛋白,早在40年代即被发现,但多年来对其生理意义尚不清楚。近年来明确了该物质与细胞的联接性有密切关系,对角膜创伤的愈合有明显作用。最近我们应用FN 滴眼剂治疗了部分角膜上皮障碍的患者,现将其结果报告如下。对象与方法1.本文所用的FN 滴眼剂系由鞍山市药品检验所制备。应用经筛选无肝炎的健康男性新鲜O 型血进行抗凝离心获上层血浆,取溴化氰活化琼脂糖4%适量与明胶充分处理结合装柱,用PBS
Fibronectin is one of protein-saccharides.Recently,it is demons-trated that there is a tight relationship between cell connection andfibronectin which is benefit at repairig corneal wound.Gutt.fibrone-ctin which was extracted from fresh serum of healthy human inAnshan Medicini Instutute,was used to treat 16 patients with cornealEpithelial Disorders(9 from simple virus keratitis,6 from cornealdystrophia,1 from corneal burning).It's concentration is 640 ug/mland value of PH from 8.0 to 8.6.The agent can be kept for 10 daysin room temperature and 15 days under 4 c.It was used in 1 drop/time and 6 time/day.Besides the aget,Atropin,antivirotie,andvitamines should be given according to the situation.Epithelial diso-rder from virus keratitis was cured and recovered fully with in 4-24days(average 16 days)and that from dystrophia within 6-29 days(average 20.8 days)and that from burning 31 days.It is thought atpresent that febronectin can accelerate repairing course of epithelialcell,because it prometes moving and adhering of corneal epithelialcell,and stimulats regeneration of epithelial cells.Biologic activityof Fibronectin is not steady enough to be kept for long period.Thereare still some problems to be solved before the agent is sold at themarket.