对不适用普通眼镜、或不愿用角膜接触镜、人工晶体等方法矫正的单眼无晶状体眼及单眼高度远视,一些学者试图借助屈光性角膜成形术来矫正。屈光性角膜成形术是应用角膜移植等方法达到改变角膜屈光力的目的。Barraquer、Kaufman、Wer-blin 等学者通过临床或实验以各种方法将供体角膜制成不同曲度的“凸透镜”形状植入受体角膜,结果不同程度地提高了角膜屈光力。但由于方法上的复杂性及处理植片时易造成损伤,目前临床难于推广。鉴于以上情况。
The recipient interlamellar corneas of rabbits were transplanted wi-th the corneal allografts removed the epithelia in same thick fourexperimental groups were divided by the corneal grafts of differentsize in diameter After four months the experimental results showedas follows:the corneal grafts of four groups may produce changes ofthe increased values of fractive power aod the deereasec values ofradius of curvature on the recipient corneas.The changes are differ-ent,because of the coroeal grafts of different size in diameter.Thelatter and the changes of the corneal refractive power have a regula-tion.The smaller the diameter of donor corneal grafts is,the greaterthe increased values of corneal refractive power is and vice verse.